Free Storage

As a team aiming for excellence in the logistics industry, we act with the vision of meeting all the logistics requirements of our business partners at the highest level and making their operations more efficient and effective. We aim to keep the satisfaction of our business partners at the maximum level in the services we offer. By adopting our focused criteria on our business partners, we offer all the necessary logistical support to enable them to focus on their core activities.

For your needs;

We manage the processes from selection, design and installation of the warehouse location suitable for your projects. We provide all kinds of special areas, from quality control areas to cold rooms in the desired climate degrees. We carry out the loading, unloading, counting and damage control of the goods received from suppliers, and manage the warehouse acceptance processes. We carry out operations such as handling, barcoding, labeling, palletizing, repackaging and order preparation for the requested items in a professional manner. We receive shipment orders, issue delivery notes on behalf of your business partners, perform stock reductions, track inventory and provide necessary reporting.

As your business partner, we can list the benefits we will provide you in your storage activities as follows:

By focusing on your core business, you can increase your work efficiency.
You can keep your costs under control by minimizing your warehouse administrative and management expenses.
By getting rid of investment costs, you can use your capital more effectively.
Thanks to effective inventory management, you can increase the turnover rate of your products and optimize your sales.
By increasing your security standards, you can reduce your business risks.
We work for the success of our business partners and offer the best solutions to meet their logistics needs. By working with us, you can safely entrust your logistics operations to us and take steps towards growth and development by focusing on your business.

For a better logistics experience, get a quote from our expert.

Go beyond boundaries while carrying your big ideas.